Business and finance

Putting a business idea into practice wordsearch: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Wordsearch designed for specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)

Making the business effective wordsearch: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Wordsearch designed for specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)

Understanding customer needs Exercise: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Understanding customer needs exercise
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
1.2.1 Understanding customer needs

36 Business Studies lesson ideas
36 ideas (starter, plenary and lesson included) fully aligned to the OCR Business Studies specification. Really great ideas that cut down on your preparation time, allowing you to build a full lesson in no time at all.
The idea is to provide you with a great lesson with the least preparation time possible, while giving great ideas to great teachers.
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business in 2017

Case Studies for use in GCSE Business Studies
A set of 15 case studies for use in GCSE Business Studies.
Ever struggled to think of a case study for use in a question or activity?
Now that work has been done for you so use these pre-prepared case studies.

GCSE Business Studies Starters
These starters are designed to take the effort out of planning your business studies course. Use over 50 different pictures; display the large image and ask the students their opinion about both the image and the topic in hand. The other slide is a cline around creating degrees of intensity - this is great for showing literacy in your lessons.
The idea is to provide you with a great start to your lesson with the least preparation time possible.
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business today

The competitive environment: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
The competitive environment
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
1.2.4 Competitive environment

GCSE Business Studies Revision and Challenge cards
150 business challenge cards that can be used to extend students, used as revision activities or given to students to answer at home.
Designed for the 2009 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studies (2BS01) and covers the following topics:
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business in 2017
These cards are based on the topics that are examined in GCSE Business Studies as end of class plenaries, extension tasks or flipped homework tasks.

Business location: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Business location including case study.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Section 1.4.2 Business Location

Abstraction Computing Lesson for KS3
Two different ways of teaching abstraction to a Key Stage 3 audience.
One way is by using logos and Photoshop (Abstraction and Logo Design).
The other included way is by creating a model in Microsoft Excel (Abstractionmodel).
Both very successful lessons to explain this important concept.

Christmas Game - GCSE Business Studies (Putting an idea into practice)
A Christmas-themed game for GCSE Business Studies.
Contains everything you need to run this game session.
It is helpful if students know something about cash flow and the unit putting an idea into practice.
Full instructions are provided.

Intellectual Property (Copyright, Patents and Trademarks) for Business Studies
A stand alone lesson designed for GCSE business studies covering the different intellectual property available to business, but
would also be suitable for As and A2.
Full worksheet and presentation is in this lesson.

McDonald's Case study - Introduction to the marketing mix (GCSE Business Studies)
A subtle introduction to the marketing mix.
Uses a case study about McDonald’s, franchising and touches on qualities of being an entrepreneur.
This resource is not affiliated, recommended or approved by McDonald’s. The McDonald’s trade mark is used under the permitted use in the UK for criticism, review and reporting current events. https://www.gov.uk/using-somebody-elses-intellectual-property/copyright

Business Plan: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
What is a business plan worksheet set and presentation.
Helps you to tackle this tricky topic.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 Business plans

Market Segmentation: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Market segmentation
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of 1.2.3 Market segmentation

Crest Group project for Business Studies GCSE
Group projects for a new Crest product.
Students work in groups (3 or 4 per group) and develop a presentation for a new product.
Included here is a case study for Crest, teacher presentation and evaluation sheet. You may choose the groups to evaluate each other.

Putting a business idea into practice revision for GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel 1BS0)
A full revision session for GCSE Business Studies for Edexcel.

Santa's Angels Business Studies GCSE Christmas Game
Christmas themed Business Studies GCSE game. Links in with many GCSE topics including profit, negotiating, risk, teamwork and strategy.